Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Recent Pokemon XY Episodes Other Goings on in the Poke Universe and Chapter 2 of PokemonXY Chronicles

     Ok, so I doubt I had any readers for my PokemonXY Chronicles Fan fiction as yet except my friends but I'm still hoping for the best. I don't have much visitors to this blog at all really but I'm persevering. I'm really doing this to let my thoughts out once in a while and improve my writing skills. This is also part of the reason why I write PokemonXY Chronicles. Anyway, PokemonXY Chronicles chapter 2 is in progress. It's coming along slowly but surely(you can't rush art). I feel I've improved a bit upon writing this chapter and hope I'll continue to improve my poor, pooor writing skills.

     Now on the PokemonXY Series, some of the recent episodes I

Monday, February 10, 2014

Finally! The Start of the PokemonXY Fan fiction story, PokemonXY Chronicles is up

      Well Hey Ho Everyone! It seems I have finally posted chapter 1 of my pokemon fan fiction story I said I was going to write sometime before. It took me quite a while just to start writing chapter one I don't know when I'll actually post the new chapters but I'll try to post like one chapter every week or close....no promises.

      Okay so the story is name PokemonXY Chronicles and is going to be a set of chapters continuing the story each time. I'll try to make it as exciting as possible though it does start off slow, please bear with me. I hope to build it into something the Pokemon anime never was. EPIC. You'll find the link that leads to the page with the chapters on the main tabs called PokemonXY Chronicles. I hope to get some loyal readers though it's my first time writing a story like this. Furthermore, I hope you as my reader enjoy what I write because I think that would make me happy. I don't really know. I've never been complimented for my writing work before. Anyway, thank you all in advance to whomever will read my work.

~Best Wishes To You All

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Series of Pokemon Fan Fictions

     I think I'll write a series of pokemon fan fictions. One with a storyline maybe even tie in the games and the anime. I get excited thinking of all the possibilities. Okay! It's decided I'll do it. Look forward to it okay.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pokemon XY Episode 10 and 11, New Pokemon XY Special, and Other Stuff

     Seasons greetings everyone, for today I'm gonna discuss my thoughts on the new Pokemon XY the series special, Pokemon XY the Series English Dub, and a bit of news pertaining to the Pokemon X and Y game. Stay Tuned!

     On the recent episode 10 of Pokemon XY, I believe Citron/Clemont had caught a Harimaron/ Chespin. Well, we all new that this would happen but what I liked is is line when he caught it "Yes! It's a great success that makes science shine." I really don't know why but I'm quite fond of Clemont's quest for science.


        The Episode itself was also interesting but not because Team Rocket obviously. In the episode, Serena and Bonnie had a scene just before they were caught by Team Rocket I actually laughed at.

After Christmas Greetings

      Seasons Greetings Everyone! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The food on Christmas is always great. All that turkey, ham, and ALL THAT CHEESY STUFF I had were simply scrumptious. I also played Pokemon X throughout the day too along with Super Mario 3D Land and The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker HD on Nintendo Wii U(which is a totally different console from the Wii).
It was all fun and I hope you guys had a great Christmas too.God bless those that didn't have much this Christmas because of hard times. Have a great old year - new year everyone.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Thoughts On The New XY Anime Series So Far.


     After the underwhelming conclusion of the Best Wishes series, I only thought the Pokemon series would get a lot worse and uninteresting. Naturally, I had to question myself. Many of my comrades in arms have fallen and failed to see through the series until the end yet I am still going. Am I still going to continue to watch the series or just stick with the games? Long ago, I had made a vow that I would watch this series to the end, even if Ash's invulnerable life-force sucking powers go on with no end. Though surprisingly, Pokemon XY lifted my spirits and convinced me their is still hope for the  anime made just for promotional purposes and money grubbing known as Pokemon(They have to make money of course).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Very First Post!

     At this point in time, I have absolutely no viewers or anyone who even knows this blog exists. However, I say it's still a time to celebrate. THREE CHEERS!!!

     Now getting back to business. This blog will be about Pokemon X and Y. Mostly about the anime. After watching the episodes so far, this drive just surged up inside me to write about the episodes and upcoming adventures of Ash and his friends. The Pokemon anime has indeed gotten more exciting and I sincerely hope the writers will keep it up. I will reply to their enthusiasm by actively following the series and the games of course. On a last note, you all must remember this one fact. SERENA IS MY WAIFU!!

~Merry Christmas