Monday, February 10, 2014

Finally! The Start of the PokemonXY Fan fiction story, PokemonXY Chronicles is up

      Well Hey Ho Everyone! It seems I have finally posted chapter 1 of my pokemon fan fiction story I said I was going to write sometime before. It took me quite a while just to start writing chapter one I don't know when I'll actually post the new chapters but I'll try to post like one chapter every week or promises.

      Okay so the story is name PokemonXY Chronicles and is going to be a set of chapters continuing the story each time. I'll try to make it as exciting as possible though it does start off slow, please bear with me. I hope to build it into something the Pokemon anime never was. EPIC. You'll find the link that leads to the page with the chapters on the main tabs called PokemonXY Chronicles. I hope to get some loyal readers though it's my first time writing a story like this. Furthermore, I hope you as my reader enjoy what I write because I think that would make me happy. I don't really know. I've never been complimented for my writing work before. Anyway, thank you all in advance to whomever will read my work.

~Best Wishes To You All

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